The New York Museum Of Transportation
MEMBERSHIP Membership in the New York Museum of Transportation is your opportunity to join in our institution's growth. Won't you help? NYMT is a non-profit educational organization, chartered by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York, and your membership contribution is therefore tax deductible. Community support through membership is a major source of income for us and also provides the encouragement our volunteers need to keep improving and expanding our museum. In addition to the good feeling that comes from helping a good cause, your membership brings you:
We look forward to including your ideas and encouragement in our bright future. Won't you take a moment to decide on an appropriate membership level and send us your support? Thank you! For your records:   $_______________ (check #________); date sent_____________
NAME_______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________ CITY and STATE_______________________________ZIP_____________________ PHONE______________________________________DATE___________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________ PLEASE SELECT YOUR MEMBERSHIP LEVEL (Memberships run from January 1 through December 31)
Individual ($20/year)..................................$_____
Additional donation total..............................$_____